Health Basics - Obesity

2% of Americans Now 100+ Pounds Overweight
A new study has found at about 1 in every 50 adults is over 100 pounds overweight - bringing huge medical problems and shorter lifespans as a result.
Airlines Might Weigh Passengers
At least one recent airplane crash was caused by the plane being overloaded - too much weight on board. The National Transportation Safety Board wants passengers to be weighed to prevent further crashes.
Breast Cancer Linked to Weight Gain
If you are a woman and have gained more than 20 pounds since high school, your risk for breast cancer has now increased by 40%.
Breast Pain, Menopause, and Low Carb
Low carbing can help to balance your hormones more healthily, which can help to reduce the breast pain issues felt by some during menopause.
CDC Says Obesity Top Health Threat
Dr. Julie Gerberding, Director of the Center for Disease Control, has said that obesity is far more dangerous than West Nile and other threats - but that people ignore the problem.
Fat and Active vs Thin and Sedentary
A new study shows that being overweight and active is still far more dangerous than being thin and inactive. It´s time to start losing that weight!
Finances and Eating Healthily
You might think that eating healthily was a matter of just choosing the right foods. For many families, it is more about what they can afford to put into their shopping cart.
Glaucoma Diabetes and Low Carb
If you're overweight or have diabetes, you're at serious risk for glaucoma. This eye disease can cause you to lose your eyesight.
Gout, Obesity, Protein and Low Carb
Gout is primarily a disease of the obese. Ninety percent of gout is caused by kidneys not properly pushing the body´s uric acid into the urine stream.
New Brunswick Farmer Creates Low Carb Potato
For those who say the potato is full of vitamins, why eat all that starch too? A farmer in New Brunswick has created a potato with a full 30% less carbohydrates!
Obese Women lose 7 Years of Life
New research by Dutch scientists proves what has long been though - that obese women and men lose substantial amounts of their life.
Obesity and Multiple Sclerosis
A study published in the January 30, 2013 issue of Neurology links obesity in girls to developing multiple sclerosis. This is yet another wake-up call as to how critical the childhood obesity issue is.
Obesity Costs Taxpayers $39 Billion a Year
A study published in Obesity Research calculated that the cost of obesity - which includes only seriously overweight individuals - costs US taxpayers around $39 billion each year.
Obesity Rises - Cholesterol Falls
In a fascinating new report, the CDC says that even though people are tending to get more heavy, the average cholesterol across the US is now under 200. This is primarily a credit to the power of cholesterol lowering drugs.
Obesity Survey - Health Benefits to Losing Weight
I am a strong proponent that you should strive to be healthy whatever weight you are at. That being said, current research finds that those who are morbidly obese do gain better health if they become less heavy.
Poor are Often Obese
It seems almost incomprehensible. How can a poor person be obese? Wouldn't they be thin if they were hungry? The problem is that the cheapest food is usually the worst for you.
Pregnancy, Obesity and Low Carb
Obesity can cause serious health issues for a pregnant mother and her unborn child. Here are some ideas for pregnant women on how to safely reach a healthy weight.
Research Shows Juice makes Kids Fat
It´s no surprise to low carbers, but a recent study in Pediatrics has proven that kids who drink fruit juice get tubby, because they get all of the fruit´s sugar and none of its fiber.
Royal Opera Singer Fired Because of Weight
Deborah Voigt, a star soprano singer, has been fired from the Royal Opera House in London because she was too heavy. Estimates are that the singer weighs around 200 pounds.
Seatbelt Usage and Obesity
Research is showing that people who are heavy tend to be far less likely to wear their seatbelts than thinner people. Seatbelts are not made large enough to fit around a larger person. The end result is more injuries and deaths for the obese.
Study Links Mother's Obesity with Autism
An interesting study released in April 2012 by the UC Davis MIND Institute discovered a startling link between the state of the mother's health while pregnant and the chances of her unborn child developing autism.
Taiwan Study finds Thousands of Diabetic, Overweight Children
A recent study in Taiwan covering 2.8 million children discovered that 15,000 of them had Type 2 Diabetes - normally a disease found in overweight, older adults. The children were all overweight.
The College / Freshman 15 Weight Gain
Are you or someone you love in college? If so, then you´re probably encountering issues with the Freshman 15 - the 3 pounds a month most college students gain.
The National Weight Control Registry
In an effort to understand how dieting works, a National Weight Control Registry has been set up. This registry tracks anyone who has lost 30 pounds or more, and kept it off for more than a year.
Thirty Percent of US Diet is Junk Food
In a study released today, it is reported that 30% of calories taken in by the average US citizen is made up of junk food, soda, and desserts. And we wonder why we´re fat?
Weight of Food = Weight Gain
It probably seems like an odd idea, but it's true. You can't gain more weight than the weight of the food you eat. If you eat a quarter pounder of beef, the most you could possibly gain from it is 1/4 pound.
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