Grandma´s Redemption - Sharply written. Thanks for sharing! ~Jenn
Good, Gone Wrong - This was clever, upbeat and well written. ~kathy
Good, Gone Wrong - What a perfectly charming story! ~Pat S.
Good, Gone Wrong - Great story! So hopeful, upbeat and bright. I loved the characters, very true to life. Congratulations to the author and to Mused on this fine addition. ~Wanda
Paris in a Bottle - I liked the details about the kids´ behavior. That was perfect and totally accurate. The mystery of the bottle was strong - crushing the shells her children gathered, crushing something of value to them was good imagery. I didn´t think Paul was super believable asking her to read a parenting book. But perhaps that´s right on with his character. A good read. ~Elizabeth
Samsara Turntable - This sonnet crown is incredible. It is so moving and holds a poignant life story within the chain of its verses. What a lovely idea with which to honor one´s mother. ~Claire
Samsara Turntable - As crafted as a floor of parquet. A very fine work about the speaker´s need of her mother. She has often been forced to outgrow that need, yet confronts her need again -- in her aged mother´s increasingly infantile need of her. My sister has just gone through a quite similar grief in the death of our ninety-year-old mother this year. Many caretakers have, and Lois Elaine Heckman has expressed it here for all of us to grasp more fully and consciously. ~Mike
Tabitha, Arise - Intriguing story, lovely imagery ~ellen
Tabitha, Arise - Wendy, you are a brilliant artist. I savored every single word. X ~My Inner Chick
Tabitha, Arise - Wendy, What a lovely and thought-provoking story. One of my favorite lines is "she’d cracked open a window of possibility." What wonderful things have been happened in people´s lives just by the tiniest cracking open of the window of possibility! You are a talented writer, and I cannot wait to read more. ~T
The Cupboard Under the Stairs - Heartwarming! ~Carolyn
Kilimanjaro - Just wow...loved clearly, fearlessly described, I even felt ur pain...still I wished I was there to share this enlightenment.....we only know and appreciate the value of what we have until we lose it, sad but’s a mystery to me still why god had created us so greedy always wanting more like u vividly described. How and when we will be satisfied and accepting, so we can find the happiness that we are all seeking. Or is it that happiness is not a state, but another feeling at intersection with the rest of other emotions we have throughout our lives? ~Dandoun
Kilimanjaro - A beautiful and honest account of a treacherous journey by someone with the strongest of spirits and lion´s hearts. ~Kandy
Nothing and Nothing and Nothing - Amazing. I understand that spiraling, out of control, downward descent and the rescuing touch of that tiny hand. That a hand so small can be so strong is awesome. So well written. ~Parker
Surfing for Bears - A sweet and powerful story. Thank you. ~Cherie
Arachnophilia - Well, thanks Lee, how amazing to note in the universe of this spider, the happenings are so very dramatic! As life continues it is so difficult to place the human into the unfolded story of the black and yellow garden spider. What, indeed, does one do to define where the boundaries are between nature’s needs, and the feelings that we as more civilized creatures of our times, may have developed? The spider´s story is grim indeed... All the best to you, and happy writings, Mark, Western Cape, South Africa ~Mark the green man.
Digging to China - I just so revered the wonderful Lady Zircon, Rhodesian Ridgeback, (aged some 13 human years, 91 dog years), when my close years with her ended. As silently and painlessly as the night takes over from the day, she departed this world. Our great Captain, took her spirit to His(/Her?)great home, leaving the deep appreciation with me for the time allowed to share life. Lying still by my chair, I knew not that she had left. Peace, no suffering. Thank you Captain. Yes I spent time quietly, respectfully burying her, naked of collar and earthly things, except some soft spring flowers. I had sold my farm, and as if she knew, she chose to go before the full trauma of moving home materialised within weeks. So here´s to animals and their relationship with us... Thanks for your having written, Grace Dion. Best to you, Mark, Western Cape, South Africa ~Mark the green man
Creation - Hmmm....been there! Nicely said. ~Linda
Temporary Residence - Well said:) ~Cindy
Waiting for the Symphony - Great images! I really like this poem ~Annon
Waiting for the Symphony - Great flow. Very vivid. Sometimes it is really all worthwhile. Excellent piece. ~Dominic
Waiting for the Symphony - Your symphony was playing my music. I feel I always need to explain myself because of the narrow focus of what is life by those around me. But most of the time I really can´t be bothered enlightening them because for many of them the power of comprehension went off years ago. They just want their existences justified. I search for glimpses of myself too, so it is so nice to run into people and poems that speak to me. I think this poem will speak to more than just me. ~Graham
Waiting for the Symphony - Just as I´ve been feeling through Christmas, so hollow and misunderstood at this time of expected joy and happiness, instead I´ve never felt so low and missing. It´s all so confusing as we have to experience these times together as we are part of a "family" but gosh it´s hard. A perfect analysis of feelings. Thank you Anthony. ~Sally